Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles

Understanding the Deep Connection Between Food and Health

You Are What You Eat: Understanding the Deep Connection Between Food and Health The phrase “You are what you eat” is not just a catchy slogan; it is a reflection of the deep connection between the food we consume and the functioning of our bodies. This saying suggests that the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and overall …

What Does It Mean by Saying “Good Food”?

What Does It Mean by Saying “Good Food”? The phrase “good food” is often used casually in everyday conversations, whether it’s in reference to a meal that tastes great, is prepared with high-quality ingredients, or aligns with a particular health trend. However, the definition of good food is not only subjective, based on personal preferences, …

Nutrition explained in simple words

What is Nutrition? Nutrition is the study of how food and drink affect our health, well-being, and overall development. It is an interdisciplinary field that connects biology, chemistry, health sciences, and environmental sciences to understand the process through which living organisms obtain and utilize essential nutrients to support life. Nutrition involves the ingestion, digestion, absorption, …

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